Wow I have made it to 100...
It's funny to go back and see what I did talk about, and the changes that have occurred in my life.. wow what a change.. some really good changes, good change, sad events, happy events..
Main events...
- the birth of my daughter and the whole reason this blog began.
- loss of my father, who was tragically taken away from us way to soon, but we all know he is watching over us, and protecting Adele.
-change from being married, to becoming a single mom, something i wasn't expecting but I have learned to be extremely grateful for the drastic change that occur in my life, and opened my eyes to the world around me. Giving me the opportunity to explore and re-discover who I really am and what I truly want in my life..
- the discovery of crochet, and the joy it brings to me and the people around me.
- meeting new people
- more tattoos... 14 so far!
- Watching my daughter grow and see the world threw her eyes.
- moving to a new location
those are just the few things that have occurred... and what will the next 100 post be... so to all those who read thank you, I greatly appreciate that you let me come into your home and share my journey with you.
Cheers Gen